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Sundless Makes
Bulletproof Products Safer

The revolutionary UHWMPE monolithic film material formed as a single piece without joints or seams that gives you a safer product.

Why Sundless
Sundless is the solid choice for product manufacturers who are looking for a competitive advantage and an exceptional new material without sacrifice.
Superior Material

The physical structure of Sundless leads to a significantly reduced number of defects per given length versus UHMWPE fiber. Thanks to the monolithic structure, which eliminates stress concentrators, ballistic impact performance is greatly improved. Plus, products can be made even stronger by compositing Sundless layers together or with other materials.

Advanced Performance
Much Safer.

Sundless film has multiple variant failure characteristics,
which can better carry the impact stress. The ballistic impact energy is rapidly transmitted, absorbed, and dissipated by shear fracture, cleavage, tensile deformation, and fibrillation of the strip, leading to a
lower back-face signature and safer product.

Better for Manufacturers
More Versatile.

When laminated, the anti-denting and safety performance are improved simultaneously. The monolithic non-fibrous structure also leads to significant savings in the production of ballistic laminates by eliminating stress concentrators. This is a big advantage over traditional fiber-based materials.

Bulletproof products made from Sundless are materially different, giving you the most advanced UHMWPE material, so your products outperform anything else out there.

  • Sundless film can be used in the manufacture of different types of bulletproof products.
  • Protective composites made from Sundless are used in insert plates, protective panels etc,
  • Sundless gives products a very high energy absorption capability, giving them a remarkably high stopping power for bullets and fragments.
Contact us to obtain more information or request a sample of our product line.
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